“I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”

John 14: 6

12 “Look, I AM coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Revelation 22: 12-13

Pastors Noreen & Henry  Kevern

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The Word Became Flesh

14 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, Who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

Oh how wonderful it is to know just how much God loves us. From the very beginning when sin entered the world, God’s plan was to come into the world to show us how to live perfectly in His love. He chose people to show His way and to teach others about our Creator. Each person was a flawed human being but that did not stop God for using them. From Adam and Eve, God did not abandon them in their sin and we also have not been abandoned in our sins. God calls each of us to be His light so that all the world may know Him and live their lives in His way, His truth and His life. All aspects of GOD were in creation, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God spoke life into the world and in doing so placed His seal on what He created. God created things good and was pleased with what He created.

But we as humans are so easily deceived. The devil was able to deceive and caused the fall in the Garden. And God in His perfection could not allow sin to live in His Garden. And so mankind was driven out. But God did not abandon us, but sent us many people to look to for His truth; but pride causes mankind to continue to allow the devil to deceive them. We have all heard the devil’s voice and followed him because he is the deceiver and he goes about spreading his lies. He roamed the world and continues to seek out God’s children in order to make them fall for his lies and cause people to sin. Sin and walking with the devil is a choice just as believing in God and following Him is a choice. The Old Testament, the Jewish Scriptures, speak of the coming of our LORD and Savior coming into the world. The Bible is God’s lesson book for us to learn and to grow in His love. Not only that, the Bible is God’s very love letter to us; as we read and study the OT we find the plan for God’s creation and Salvation. We need to know the whole Word in order to correlate both the before, the coming of our LORD and His plan for His return. The whole Bible is for all God’s children to be our daily bread. We have to ask God to let His Spirit within us to teach us the whole truth about GOD.

And so the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. God did not abandon us to our choices but throughout His Word, points us to His plan, His purpose for our lives. We simply cannot read the New without the Old. The whole Bible is important because it is the whole plan, God’s purpose for our lives. He created each of us for something to do or be for one another. We are to live our lives as disciples, by our example of the life that God teaching us in His Word.

I have always loved the beginning of John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God speaks a Word and is the Word and became the Word in flesh. Far too often we put God in human terms because we want to be able to understand in our small ability but God is not like us but created us in His Image to be a light bearer as He is the Light. By the life that we live, we are to act and to do what He wants us to do and not act and do in the lies of the devil. We are the very imagine of what God created us to be, and only by staying part of His vine will we have His life blood flowing through us. We are here to learn to love Him perfectly and purposefully living our lives through Him and His Word. He is the Word, the very essence of His being, not human but God. By creating us in His image, He created us to be His vessels in order to fill us with His Word to fulfill our purpose for Him.

And in knowing that, we are to be taught by God’s whole Word, to understand that He is our past, our present and our future. To know that faith, faith in God is needed to know Him. And by having faith as small as a mustard seed, by allowing Him to grow us, we can always be nourished in His Word. By living our lives fully dependent upon God and letting Him change us into His plan, we can be to others God’s example of His way, His truth and His live.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. What a promise from GOD. He, our Creator, our God came and dwelt among us. That was His plan for His creation. He never left us alone, but we left God and still do when we continue to live in sin. Jesus does not condemn us in our sin and in dying on the cross, took our sins and washed them away by His blood. God came to our planet that He created and showed us His way because we could not understand even though He gave us many light bearers to teach us His plan. So at just the right time, God became flesh and came into the world He created in order to teach us how to walk in the way of the LORD. Praise be to God that He did not abandon us in our sins.

John the Baptist came into the world to testify to the truth. He led a life by walking the path that God placed before him and became His light bearer to the truth of God. John knew that God had a plan for his life and that he needed to walk the path that God placed before him. That is how we are to live our lives. And no matter what happens in our live, we are to give thanks to God and to praise Him and give Him alone all the glory. God is the only thing that we truly need. By walking in faith, and giving Him the glory due to His Name, we walk in faith and not by sight. We cannot allow what we see to overcome what our faith is. In spite of what we see, we are to live our lives for His glory and to present to others what faith is like. Faith is not a particular religion, but rather faith is the way we are to live our lives. God did not create a different religion by coming into the world but fulfilled what He created us to be, children of God. As Jesus said to the Samaritan women, Salvation is from the Jews. When God became flesh, He came into the world in through the Jewish faith and that faith is what our faith roots us. We cannot ignore that Salvation is from the Jewish faith.

Jesus taught us that we are to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth not in some conceived perception of what humans think but our lives are to be led by the Holy Spirit and in the truth of God’s Word. Jesus taught and continues to teach us when we allow His Spirit to dwell in us. In essence, we take God’s mantle upon us and clothe our lives in the very imagine of God in order to show Him. By accepting Jesus as our LORD and Savior, we are giving God permission to change us in order that we can be perfect as He is perfect. We are to reflect His light to the world by following His Son. We walk in faith and not by sight; we walk in God’s mercy and not by what the world tells us. We are to be witnesses to the Light. And God’s will is to believe in the One that He sent—Jesus.

John testified and we are to testify. Moses taught mankind the law and Jesus teaches us God’s amazing grace and truth. The law came into the world because mankind did not walk in faith. The law was one of the ways that God was teaching creation. And even when the Jewish people fell, God did not abandon them in their sin, but sent witnesses of His Word. And at just the right time, He became flesh and dwelt among us to show us how to live in the way of the LORD. Jesus taught us that the Word showed us His plan and in His life that He lived, He showed us how we are to live in His plan. Think of the Bible like this: God gave us His Word before He became a man as our lesson book and His Old Testament is still very important for us to learn. Jesus said that the Scriptures pointed the way to Him and that Scripture could not be broken. Jesus is the Scripture, the Word made flesh and He dwelt among us to show us how to live in His image.

We give praise to God because there are light bearers as you. We give thanks because of those who live their lives as the way, the truth and the life. We give praise to God in our worship and our song. We give glory to God for allowing us to be His banner of truth.

God does not need animal sacrifice but He wants our complete surrender to Him. Only through our complete surrender can He mold us into what He created us to be. God commands us to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Only in our complete surrender can His Spirit come and dwell in us. Only in completely giving ourselves for His glory can we walk in His way, His truth and His love. God loves us so—so much so, that when we surrender, He shows us how much He loves us and He changes us into the perfect creation that He created us for.

Father, we surrender all. Help us to live our lives in complete surrender to Your perfect will for our lives. We ask You to mold us, to form us into what is Your desire for our lives. Teach us to always walk in Your way, Your truth and in Your life, so that we will be Your light bearers in a dark world. We thank You that You did not leave us in our sin but gave Your life for ours. Help us to walk as believers in that amazing love. God we love You! We thank You! Teach us to walk a redeemed life, forgetting our past and walking into our future as light bearers of Your love. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.